Monday, September 27, 2010

Sesame Seed!

Sweet Baby James,

I have to stop calling you my little poppy seed because you've already grown to be the size of a sesame seed. It is still so tiny but look how much bigger than last week already!

You are growing like a champ! Apparently this is why I am so tired, because all the systems of my body have abandoned me in favor of working on you. I'm totally okay with this, by the way.

No more weird food stuff to report so far. I have felt a little nauseous on and off but it seems to go away if I eat something.

I had to go all weekend long without telling anyone about you, and that was HARD! I accidentally almost spilled the beans on Friday night when we went to have dinner with another couple. She is pregnant too, although she's about to have her baby in just a couple weeks. It was a close call, but I think Dad saved the day with a misdirection.

I also talked to my parents on the phone (you'll know them better as Grandma and Grandpa) and I had to bite my tongue not to blurt it out. But I really want to tell them in person, so I'm trying to figure out when we can get to see them again. I am not a good secret keeper, my little sesame seed! This is hard work!


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