Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Secret Revealed!

Most everyone who reads this (hello Mom, Heather, Jackie) already knows but just in case someone else happens to be here who doesn't have Facebook or Twitter or who doesn't see me in person regularly... I'm pregnant!

I've actually been blogging secretly about it since the day I found out, but I was storing those elsewhere until the secret was officially revealed. Instead of keeping a fourth blog, I've just imported all those entries to this blog. You can in the future find them by the label "Sweet Baby James" below, or you can click HERE to see all the ones I have written thus far.

If you do nothing else, you have got to go to this post and watch the videos of the reveals to our families. Particularly Ben's mom, who wins the award for most awesome reaction ever. Turn your speakers down, there's lots of screaming.

They've all to this point been written as letters to baby. I may keep doing that or might switch on and off between that and my regular style. I also promise to keep blogging about things other than pregnancy and babies.

But not right now, because now I am crafting like a madwoman to get stuff done for a craft fair this Sunday. I got it in my head that this was totally doable, if I made about two baby books a day until Sunday. Yesterday I only did one, so today production must increase by 150%. Or something like that; we all know math is not my strong suit.

Off to craft!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coming Up on 12 Weeks!

Sweet Baby James,

Hello darling! In just a couple days I'll be 12 weeks along. That is crazy business. Right now you're well on your way to being the size of a lime. My goodness, that seems so... substantial!

Today I thought about how awesome it will be when I make you laugh. I just know I'll love the sound of your little giggles and the sight of your toothless little grin. That thought might just keep me going for the next week.

I have been having some trouble sleeping. I am struggling to sleep on my side. Laying on my back isn't really comfortable any more, and neither is laying on my stomach. I don't know if it has to do with the hormones that stretch out my ligaments and make my joints extra flexy, but laying on my side just sends burning pain through my hips. I told Ben yesterday that I needed a recliner and I was only half joking. Last night I put a pillow under my hip and that seemed to help a little.

Let's see, what else... well, I had to go and buy some maternity pants! That was an exciting and extremely comfy step. Most of my stuff still fits but it is getting tighter and tighter. Last night I had a dream that I could really see and feel the "bump" of you in my tummy. I'm not quite there yet, but I know it is coming soon!

I think in the next couple days we will be making the official announcement of your impending arrival. Can't wait to shout that one from the rooftops, little one.



Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Ten Weeks and Some Change

Sweet Baby James,

Hello darling! Just because I haven't written in here in a couple weeks doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of you, because I totally HAVE. Every waking minute I am thinking about you in there growing and, day by day, making your way into the little person I will love.

So what's been up these past two weeks... well, for starters, you have grown to be bigger than a kumquat! Now you are over an inch long, and you can open and close your fists and kick your little feet. I won't be able to feel it for a while, but it's pretty cool to know that you're moving around in there already.

The nausea has subsided considerably, but the exhaustion is now full-force. I try to sleep and rest as much as I can, which makes me feel like a lazy bum, but I suppose I have many months ahead to get stuff done. Although... not that many months when I think about it! 10 weeks means I'm over a quarter of the way through this pregnancy, and when I put it that way, you'll be here before I know it!

Although I'm not so nauseous anymore, I still have a hard time pinpointing any food that sounds good to eat. It is the strangest feeling, my little dearie. I've always been a picky eater - a trait I hope not to pass along to you - but this isn't really like that. It's more like... like nothing sounds good at all, and until I think of the exact thing that DOES sound good, I don't really want to eat anything. But once I think of that thing, I'm kind of ravenous for it. I guess that explains why I've eaten two boxes of mac and cheese in the past two days? That's mostly what you and I want to eat these days - bland, warm carb-y foods. Potatoes, pasta, bread, cereal. Can you start helping me crave nice healthy foods like salads and fruit? It'll do us both some good, okay?

I'm excited because we're getting closer and closer to being able to tell the whole world about your impending arrival. This weekend I'll be 11 weeks. Can I make it one more week after that? We shall see! I've already told most of my coworkers, and Ben's told many of his too. There are still a few friends I'm hoping to see and tell in person in the next week.

Many people ask me if I think you are going to be a boy or a girl. I really don't know! Since, with one exception, EVERY single one of the MANY pregnant and new moms I know has had or is having a girl, I feel like the odds are that you have to be a boy. But I don't really know and I don't have a "vibe" either way. In fact, for the past couple days, I dreamed I was having twins. Are there two of you in there? Should I be addressing this to the Sweet Babies James? I don't really think that is the case, but I suppose you never know...

I love you, baby of mine, whoever you are. Night night.

Love Momma