Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Secret Revealed!

Most everyone who reads this (hello Mom, Heather, Jackie) already knows but just in case someone else happens to be here who doesn't have Facebook or Twitter or who doesn't see me in person regularly... I'm pregnant!

I've actually been blogging secretly about it since the day I found out, but I was storing those elsewhere until the secret was officially revealed. Instead of keeping a fourth blog, I've just imported all those entries to this blog. You can in the future find them by the label "Sweet Baby James" below, or you can click HERE to see all the ones I have written thus far.

If you do nothing else, you have got to go to this post and watch the videos of the reveals to our families. Particularly Ben's mom, who wins the award for most awesome reaction ever. Turn your speakers down, there's lots of screaming.

They've all to this point been written as letters to baby. I may keep doing that or might switch on and off between that and my regular style. I also promise to keep blogging about things other than pregnancy and babies.

But not right now, because now I am crafting like a madwoman to get stuff done for a craft fair this Sunday. I got it in my head that this was totally doable, if I made about two baby books a day until Sunday. Yesterday I only did one, so today production must increase by 150%. Or something like that; we all know math is not my strong suit.

Off to craft!


Jackie said...

Oh my gosh - I'm crying! Such sweet posts! To say it again - I'm so happy for you guys!

Do you feel comfortable posting some backstory? Were you guys trying or was it a sweet, sweet surprise? If you were trying, what made you guys know it was "the time" - like, what made now the time vs. a couple years ago? I always find that fascinating (especially since we're sort of starting to get the itch...).

Keep on, little momma! Congrats, again!

lila kate said...

Amy, I am beyond happy for you and I'm so so glad I heard from you face to face! :) I love you and I can't wait until I'm told that I'm right (that it's a girl!) :)
Either way I will love Sweet Baby James!!!