Friday, September 24, 2010

I Ate A Banana

Sweet Baby James,

That might not mean anything to you, that I ate a banana, though I hope you enjoyed it. But it means something to me, because I hate bananas. Today I was just looking at the bananas I bought your dad and I said out loud, "I think I want to eat one of those." I have no idea where that came from, but I suspect it was my first official craving. Of course, halfway through I got sicked out by the texture and had to stop. So I guess technically I only ate half a banana. Still, it was 100% more banana than I've had in probably 20 years.

Food desires/interests have definitely started coming into play with this whole being pregnant thing. I actually noticed it before I even knew about you. Last week, two days in a row, the only thing I wanted for lunch was a Chick-fil-a chicken sandwich. Same for this week. Even though usually I would get the nuggets, because they are cheaper and I like them better, every time I got up to the counter to order I would open my mouth and instead of "kids meal with nuggets" I would say "chicken sandwich, wheat bun, no pickle." (By the way, I don't care what kind of crazy stuff you demand, I can tell you right now I'll never eat a pickle. Don't even ask.)

Mostly I'm just not really hungry at all. But I promise you, I am going to try to eat good things that will make you strong and healthy! I have not had the best eating habits in my life, but then again I've never had a motivation like you.

I told someone else about you today! This was a very important person in my life, my friend (you can call her Aunt) Jenny. You might hear me refer to her as "Nay." We had a standing dinner appointment and I hadn't decided whether I was going to tell her or not. I figured if she didn't ask me about it, I wouldn't say anything. See, we talk about everything, and so she's known for a long time how much I wanted you!

Well, as you can imagine, it didn't take long before I spilled the beans! It is just too hard to keep you a secret! She was very excited and that made me even more excited. It was wonderful to share with someone I love so much. My little poppy seed, you will love Nay so much too! She used to be my roommate in college, and she is so smart! She works with soldiers who have been hurt to help their brains get better. She loves Jesus so much and is really inspiring to me!



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