Friday, December 12, 2008

Let it Snow!

Ah, snow. I know it is something most people down here in the South could do without. Even the hint of flurries is enough to keep kids home from school and send drivers into a panic. Still, being a daughter of the Midwest, I miss white drifts up to my knees and snowballs and sledding and cold red cheeks and the dangerous beauty of ice-encrusted trees.

So when wintery weather comes to us here in Middle Tennessee, even though it pales in comparison to the snows of my childhood, I'll take what I can get. And last night's storm definitely counts. It was blustery and sleeting and then the sky sent down those fat wet snowflakes that stick to everything. It snowed for a few hours, and then it got really cold and everything froze solid.
And when I awoke this morning, I peered out the window and God was there. He looked a lot like a winter wonderland all a-glow from a newly stretching sunrise, but I'm pretty sure it was Him, being all breathtaking and beautiful and making me love Him for waking me up.

It takes a lot to pry me from my warm bed in the wee hours of the morning. This sunrise had me leaping into Ben's coat and boots and dashing, pajama-clad, into the yard to take these pictures.

There was a clarity to the cold, and something invigorating about the smell of fresh snow. It was like awakening to a world undisturbed... It was, in a word, lovely.