Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday Night: Battle of the Chucks

In one corner, we have Chuck Bass, who alongside his sometimes love/all-the-times nemesis Blair Waldorf, is the real star of the WB's deliciously bad Gossip Girl.

In the other corner, we have Chuck Bartowski, the adorabley geeky accidental spy after whom NBC's action-comedy Chuck is named.

Two shows. One timeslot - 7 pm, Monday nights. Only one TiVo.

What's a couple to do? Ben and I came to the difficult decision that we would TiVo Chuck since we (oh yes, he likes it too) could watch Gossip Girl online. But I made sure to put in a clause that stated that if I happened to get home on time I could watch GG live from the other TV.

And thank goodness for that, because last night both our Chucks were in fine form. Mr. Bass was showing his softer side, overcoming Blair's straight-from-Cruel-Intentions schemes and looking suave in his typically insane outfits to boot. Over on channel 4, Mr. Bartowski was HI-larious... maybe the funniest episode yet for the show. Plus, there were guest roles by Nicole Ritchie and - wait for it - CORY from Boy Meets World (actual name Ben Savage). If only they'd gotten Topanga, too...


Ben James said...

I can't believe that you publically posted that I watch Gossip Girl... I mean for our friends to know that is one thing, but now, anyone with half a brain can see this. How demeaning... We'll talk about this later.

AmyBethJames said...

Are you insinuating that my blog readership is comprised of people with half a brain? How rude!

With regards to Gossip Girl... you know you love it. XOXO.