Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Blogger Roll Call: User-Found Funnies

This little group of blogs falls in the same line as great sites like Found and PostSecret (which isn't in my favorites because while I find it incredibly fascinating it is very often horribly sad) where the content is made up entirely of user-submitted items. Each one is very specific but wonderfully hilarious in its own way. WARNING! The first two sites usually have some R-rated language so just be advised.

Passive-Aggressive Notes
This site collects and comments on passive-aggressive (or just plain aggressive) notes left from roommates, in offices, by strangers, via Facebook... you name it. You'll be surprised how politely enraged someone can sound on a post-it note!

Postcards from Yo Momma
The girls who run this blog collect emails and IMs submitted by the children of funny moms around the world. Moms confused by technology, moms sharing too much information, moms dropping unsubtle hints about behavior, clothes, jobs, kids... They are adorable, random, and HILARIOUS. One of my all-time favorites was from a mom asking her daughter how to unfriend someone on Facebook... specifically, her own husband. And I am confessing, right now, here it goes... Mom, I might have submitted our Kanye-related conversation to this blog. And it might have gotten selected and published. Anonymously, of course!

The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks
This might be a blog only an English major could love, but hopefully you'll find it as funny as I do. The title pretty much sums it up - she collects photos of signs from around the world with incorrectly used quotation marks. You'd think most people would know what quotes are used for. But you'd be wrong. So, so wrong.

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