Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oops I Did It Again

Blog redesign #987! This is a change I have been wanting to make for a while - simple and clean. I have been adding lots more pictures to my blogs these days and I just think the white background suits that best. I may get bored with it eventually, but tonight I'm loving it.

The header is from one of my favorite artists, Paul Klee. This is one of his works from 1922 called "Separation in the Evening," and I am in love with the beautiful colors and how it is geometric and yet so soft. From the title I'm assuming it is a study on a sunset, but I just saw it and immediately thought of God, reaching down to us, bridging the divide to meet us in our need. All of that makes more sense if you know that the painting is actually a vertical, like so:

However, I'm really sorry Mr. Klee, but I had to turn it horizontally to make it fit as my blog header. Also I cropped it. Again, sorrryyyyyy. (I don't think he minds terribly, being deceased and all.)

I hope the new look is nice and easy on the eyes, dear readers. If not, you can leave your complaints below. Ta ta!


Jackie said...

I like it! It makes me want to redesign mine...

Heather said...

So, so pretty. I like how these clean and simple formats are sweeping the blogosphere. It makes focusing on the content so much easier, as you pointed out. Love it. :)