Tuesday, August 28, 2012

15 Months

Time is flying, and today my little bitty turns 15 months old. I think in the past three months he has really changed so much, and is officially transitioning from baby into toddler. Of course, he's long been a pro at the "toddling" part... we often have people comment that he looks too little to be running so fast! He's certainly a speedy one. He falls occasionally when he trips over his shoes, but don't we all? Otherwise he's sure-footed and constantly on the move.

He is getting better at expressing himself, and just in the past few weeks has branched out from "Mama" and "Dah-dee" and started to mimic a few other words we say often, including "baby," "uh-oh," and "thank you." He also knows sign-language for "milk," "more," "all done," and "hungry," although usually if he wants food he skips "hungry" and just signs for "more." Or to be even more clear, he will go over to his high chair and attempt to crawl in it! He also understands SO much of what we say, which is kind of wild. He understands so much that I can get exasperated when it seems like he is ignoring or disobeying me. At those times, I have to remind myself that he is still so little and I need to give him lots of patience and grace!

He loves to play with toys with pieces (like puzzles or blocks) and with anything you can push, like a walker, a broom, a shopping cart, and so forth. In fact, he will push things around whether they or meant to be or not. Today he was strong-arming our dining room chairs all over the kitchen! He still loves to look at books and be read to. He can identify lots of animals from his books and our many zoo trips, including birds, bunnies, dogs, cats, zebras, and I think we are getting close on giraffes and elephants.

Other things I want to remember about Hudson at this age:

  • The sound of his little voice yelling for Ben... "Dah DEE? DAH DEE?"
  • The other night he wouldn't eat his peas until I told him they were green berries. :)
  • His face gets all red when he gets hot, just like mine.
  • We've been learning "belly button" and he gets the biggest grin on his face when he finds his.
  • The "swishy swishy" sound of his diaper as he scurries around the house.
  • He throws things on the floor (purposefully) and then says, "Uh oh."
  • Loves remotes and anything else with buttons.
  • He has started dancing when he hears music. ADORABLE.
  • We've been explaining that his paci is only for bedtime, so when I get him up from his nap he throws his paci back into the bed. It's just really cute.
We go to the pediatrician on Thursday for his official check-up so I'll be able to post his height and weight stats then. Unofficially, I'd guess he's still hovering around 20 pounds, but I think he has definitely gotten a little taller.

I was saving most of my pics from STL for some more blog posts about that trip, but here's a few recent shots to commemorate 15 months with my little fella.

Taking a walk with Scruffy.

Busted! He got stuck trying to crawl past a box I use to block the stairs.

Bath baby.

Love this face. :)

Hee hee!

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