Friday, March 04, 2011

Water for Elephants

For those of you who care, I'm really sorry for stalling on my Oscar fashion blog. It's mostly written but finding and loading the pictures is very tedious. It's still coming, I promise!

In the meantime, look! I got you a treat! There's a new trailer for the Water for Elephants movie coming out in April. I read the book last summer and really enjoyed it. It was a lovely read and was just screaming for a film adaptation. I was a little hesitant about the casting at first, but the trailers are convincing and it looks sumptuously filmed. One of the best things about the book was the author's incredibly detailed and researched setting of a depression-era circus, so I'm happy to see that it looks as if they took the same care in detailing the movie.

Hurry and read the book and you can waddle (okay, fine, only I will be waddling) with my 8-months-pregnant self down to the theater on April 22 to check out the movie!

PS. Obviously the trailer gives you some idea of the plot (although nothing too important, I'd say), so if you don't want to know any of that before you read then skip the video.


Jackie said...

Oooh...looks good! But wait - do you think they took the whole old man aspect out of it??

(Also - for what it's worth - I'm looking forward to your Oscar post!)

AmyBethJames said...

Jax, thankfully it looks like that is still a big part of it! There is an original trailer with him in it... Here!