Sunday, February 20, 2011

Your Daddy

Sweet Baby James,

This is just a little post about your daddy. He's really been impressing me with how interested and involved he has been in my pregnancy and in learning about the process of birth. After our second childbirth class last night we talked for a long time about some of the things we've learned and want to strive for (or, on the contrary, some things we want to avoid) when the time comes for your delivery. He has really been paying attention! It makes me feel comforted, to know that he'll be there to protect and encourage me through labor.

You probably won't really care about all that, so long as you get here in one healthy, chubby piece. So here's some things you will care to know about your daddy when you join our family and as you grow:

He loves to play. I'll be great for snuggling and reading and quiet time. But your daddy is the one who will take you to romp around outdoors, crawl with you through the playground, and get down on the floor to wrestle and play. When you're bigger I know he'll want to take you camping too.

He's an adventurous eater. They say what I'm eating can influence your future tastes, but I'm really hoping and praying you take after your dad when it comes to trying and liking different things. He'll try almost anything, and he likes a lot of things I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot-pole. When you're ready for people food, I'm going to rely on him to keep you from turning into a picky eater like me!

He likes to make noise. I don't think your dad will ever try to stop you from banging pots and pans. He'll more than likely just get out his banjo and join you. You probably won't be very big before he's trying to teach your little hands to strum a guitar. And I'm fully expecting an iPod full of playlists for your every waking and slumbering hour.

He's a great comforter. I can always count on him to dry my tears and help me calm down after a rough day. I think this will translate to you too, my little one. I know you will find great comfort in your dad's arms.

Practicing with your carrier.
Hopefully you will look less like this stuffed gorilla and more like a human baby,
although we'll love you either way.

Jumping! He can teach you this.

With his beloved banjo.
Despite my pleadings, he'll want to teach you this too.

I'm pretty much in love with him. I can't wait for you to meet him and love him too! It makes my heart swell to think of you two together: my best boys.



Jennifer Womble said...

Such a sweet post!!

Mom said...

So sweet! I love it!