Friday, February 18, 2011

Brownie Batter and Fake Bling

My cravings of late seem to have taken a turn from cheese and pasta to the sweet stuff. Specifically, I've been wanting chocolate icecream or brownie batter. Not brownies. Brownie BATTER. I get the fancy pasteurized eggs so I can make the batter and eat it safely. I try to eat only a little, though, and then bake the rest. But honestly, once it is baked, I don't have much interest!

In other news, my rings were getting a little tight, so rather than get to a point where they might have to be forcibly removed from my fingers, I went ahead and took them off. Now I'm wearing a "placeholder" set I got from Dillards for $25. I got them a little big so there's room for the dreaded third trimester swelling. I also got them a little... bling-ier than my actual wedding set. What's the point of fake diamond jewelry if you're not going to have a little fun? Still, I miss not wearing my real rings and am hoping to find a pretty long chain to wear them around my neck.

Two more weeks and I'll be in my third and final trimester... where has the time gone?!!

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