Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Childbirth Class, Yikes! (But in a Good Way)

Sweet Baby James,

Hello my little lovey! This week we went to our first childbirth class. We are doing classes at our church because there are a bunch of other pregnant women there too. You're going to have so many playmates! It is us and three other couples. These classes were recommended by my midwife, and they were developed by a nurse/doula and another doula, both of whom are Christians. We are learning all the important, practical childbirth information, but also about how me and Dad can trust God and rely on him for strength and protection while we're bringing you into the world. I think it is going to be pretty good stuff, if the first class is any indication!

One thing I learned is that on average, without induction, first babies are born at 41 weeks and 2 days. So to avoid anxiety and frustration, I'm going to start telling people you are due in late May/early June, rather than expecting you to pop out exactly on May 28! Anything from 38-42 weeks is okay. I can imagine that if your due date rolls around I will probably be plenty ready to meet you and might be a little disappointed, but I'm going to work to keep that to a minimum.

I also learned some stretches which I am hoping will help because just in the past few days my hip/pelvic pain has amped up. I'm glad you are growing big and strong but we have a ways to go so I want to stay comfortable as I can before you get even bigger. And bigger. And bigger!

For part of our homework for next week, we were assigned to watch a documentary called "The Business of Being Born." It was very emotional to watch, seeing all these women doing the work of labor and being rewarded with their babies in their arms! It was also a little intimidating and gave me a lot to think about. When your Dad gets home from his business trip he gets to watch it too... I think it will be an eye-opener to say the least!

Love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck! That's something my Grandpa Jim used to say to me when I was little. It just means "a crazy lot."



rachel arnold said...

that documentary is what sealed the deal in deciding to switch to the midwives. SO GOOD. jon really liked it too, at least the informational side of it:) he got a little grossed out some of the, um... more graphic parts (i.e. RIKKI LAKE IN A BATHTUB!)

i can't wait to meet little baby james!!!!

amanda said...

haha...I second everything your friend Rachel said about the movie. and I love that your childbirth class is written by Christian doulas! I get seriously excited for other moms who want to prepare to have their babies the way our bodies were created to. also I remember trying to use the term "guess date" instead of "due date," and wouldn't you know, E decided to join us earlier than expected. ;)

Sally said...

Just so you'll know, the rest of that is "A barrel and a heap and I'm walking in my sleep."

I knew you would go into this as informed as you can get. You'll do fine...just keep your eye on the reward! Love ya, Momma