Friday, December 18, 2009

Advent Thoughts: Mary

Two years ago I wrote lyrics for my first and only songwriting collaboration with our choir director at church. He asked me to write something about Mary's perspective on the Christmas story.

I was thinking about how Mary was the first one to know Jesus as Immanuel, his name which translates as "God-with-us." She was the first person in history to experience the indwelling of Christ. The really cool part is that she knew it literally, as she carried the baby who was also God inside her. Because of this ultimate miracle, now you and I can carry Him in our hearts. Isn't that amazing?

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

"The virgin will be with child
and will give birth to a son
and will call him Immanuel."
Then the angel sang
to fulfill those ancient words
that God-with-out
would become God-with-in
Sweet in Mary's heart
sprang the first worship
of God-with-us

Soon this foretold child
would live mankind to save
but just this hushed moment
the joy was hers alone:
"O may my soul sing
forever of your great love!
How can it be that in me stirs
the rescue of all ages?"

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