Tuesday, March 17, 2009


When I first heard they were making a live-action version of the beloved children's book Where the Wild Things Are I thought "Why?" and "How?" Then today while browsing the interwebs I saw this:

I think I love it. The monster looks, somehow, as if it just walked off the pages of the book. The muted color scheme is so perfect and again, reminds me of the book's illustrations. Think of the contrast to advertising for other kids' movies! I also looooooove the typeface and simplicity of the tagline. If the poster is a portend of things to come in the film, this might be one of the movies I'm really looking forward to this fall.


rachel arnold said...

i cannot wait for this film. they are showing the full length trailer in front of monsters & aliens - probably the only reason i will see m&a in the theatre!!! seriously. this will be the best. movie. ever.

well, maybe not THE. BEST. MOVIE. EVER. but it will be close.

Heather said...

I like this poster! I loved the images in the book, so I'm pleased this looks so similar aesthetically. I wonder if the movie will be done with any interesting filming techniques, like altered speed or something. Now I'm looking forward to the movie. :)

lila kate said...

I agree! I'm really excited about this movie! I hope that they keep it nice and non-scary for us scardy-cats! :)