Tuesday, September 30, 2008


This is the Epson Stylus Photo 1400. It can print borderless 12x12 pages. In other words, it can make all a scrapbooker's dreams come true. And I want one.

I haven't even had a working printer in my home for two years, because... I have no idea, just never got around to replacing my broken one and if I desperately needed something printed I just had to do it at work. Suffice to say, it would be a big jump, going from no printer to this sweet sweet piece of machinery. But you know what? I think I can handle it.

So, Santa Clause Claus*, if you're reading this, Amy wants to see this under the tree come Christmas morning. I promise I'll be good.

*Thanks Heather for the catch!


Heather said...

(Santa Clause? hehehehehehe)

Seriously, though...I want one too!

AmyBethJames said...

ha ha, I didn't even notice that. Or wait, maybe I was specifically directing my request to the 1994 Tim Allen movie, and not the actual Santa Claus. Yes, that is it...