Tuesday, March 11, 2008


In case you haven't been properly introduced, this is my dog, Scruffy:

I know I might be biased, but he is probably one of the best dogs ever in the history of dogs. I took this picture of him at the park a few weeks ago and every time I look at it it makes me smile. Scruffy is hilarious, loyal, quiet, pouncy, cuddly, relaxed, happy. His eyes are the color of caramel, his fur is fluffy and curly, and he has this extra skin around his neck - we call it, appropriately, his "scruff." We think he's about 5 and a half or 6 years old.

He is a mutt in the truest sense of the word... some poodle, perhaps black lab, some kind of terrier, etc. We don't know where he came from, or what his doggy life was like before we picked him up from the Nashville Humane Society. I sometimes think of how adorable he must have been as a little fluffy puppy, and feel sad that I missed that part of his life. I hope that he was loved and happy but the truth of it is probably that he was homeless or abandoned.

While in a sense I am grateful that Scruffy's doggy parents weren't fixed (because otherwise he wouldn't exist), the truth is that there is an extreme dog and cat overpopulation in this country because people do not get their pets spayed and neutered. I didn't know this until doing some research a few weeks ago, but 3-4 MILLION cats and dogs are euthanized in shelters every year because there are simply too many of them. According to the organization SPAY-USA (http://www.spayusa.org/) there are 15 dogs to every one person in America... obviously we're talking about a seriously unfavorable ratio. So please, please, please take your cats and dogs to be fixed. You can find out lots more about why and how through the Humane Society:


Well, I really just intended to write a post about how awesome the Scruff-ster is, but I guess this was a good tangent to get on!

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