Monday, March 17, 2008

Putting in a good word for...

Three things I found/stumbled across/was shown that I wanted to share with the world! In no particular order they are:

1. the music of NEEDTOBREATHE - I'm not entirely sure why this band's name is all one word and in all caps, and I don't particularly care so long as none of them come and try to remove their latest cd "The Heat" from my car stereo, where it has been on almost exclusive rotation for about a month now. I love it. A lot. Rocky, melodic, a little bluesy, incredible vocals, lyrics and harmonies that won't get outta my head. Plus the lead singer's name is Bear. Bear! I'm kicking myself in the shins because I had a chance to go see them last year during GMA Music Week and I didn't because I had no idea who they were. Well I know now! And you should too! and my favorite song is "Washed By the Water." And my second favorite song is "Return to Me." And my other favorite songs are all the other ones.

2. the movie "Be Kind Rewind" - Ben took me out for dinner and a movie on the eve of our third anniversary of being married last week and after some de-lish J. Alexander's this is the movie we saw. It was so delightful and whimsical... if you know my movie tastes you know I am especially partial to whimsy and anything that has to do with storytelling and reality blending with fantasy. The last Michael Gondry movie we saw, "Science of Sleep," was a little too kooky for even me. This one was just right! The basic and adorable plot to this movie is that two guys played by Mos Def and Jack Black end up with a store full of erased VHS tapes, and when their angry customers demand to rent movies, they end up reshooting them in their own versions starring themselves. Anyway, I thought it was so wonderful and charming and feel-good, but in a way that you didn't feel ashamed for liking it so much. Which is how I feel about the fact that I own the movie "The Prince and Me" starring Julia Stiles. Don't judge!

3. the blog "Stuff White People Like" - This is a very well-written and pretty darn funny running list of, as the title suggests, things the stereotypical young white American person loves. At first it is a little like, "hey... I like that.... hey, I like that too!" But I'm all for a little snark now and then, so don't take it personally and have a good laugh at your self. Heck, I managed to reference numbers 68 and 69 on the list in the second paragraph of this post alone! Thanks Danielle for sending me this one and brightening my whole afternoon.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh my gosh! Over the last month or so my entire workplace is obsessed with Stuff White People Like!!! OBSESSED. It is totally out of control. We will all crowd around one person's laptop and read it an laugh out loud together. So weird!
And I must say, as a more general observation, it is pretty much a constant source of amazement for me how everybody catches on to these sorts of things (hot blogs, tv shows, etc.) totally simultaneously. Why is everyone suddenly aware of SWPL (and sharing it with me)?? I feel like the same thing happened with Best Week Ever (and blog), GoFugYourself, and icanhascheezurger. Maybe you and my coworkers are just cooler than me, and I only think your coolness is converging on me simultaneously. I dunno. But I do know that blog is hilarious. Jon doesn't like it, but oh well.

And yes, I am judging you severely for owning and enjoying "The Prince and Me". I'm sorry, but that is just asking for it... :)