Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hot & Cold

Well it was a crazy night at the James' household. For the second time in the past few months, our heater stopped working. Last time it broke we paid a semi-helpful man an exorbitant amount of money to fix it, so I was pretty annoyed when I checked the thermostat before bed and it said 62 degrees.

Would this have happened last week, no biggie - we had outrageously beautiful weather and heat and air were unnecessary. The past couple days however, the nights have dipped back down to the 30s.

So to compensate, we bundled up in our finest long sleeves and pajama pants and brought in our two space heaters and set them on high blast, closed our bedroom doors to create a little hot box, and snuggled down under the covers, huddled together for warmth. After a while, nice and toasty!

Ben & I in our pajamas

Cut to me, waking up at 3:30 am, boiling hot. If you know me at all you know that I loathe being hot. So I dramatically flung the covers off, peeled off my leggings, turned off the space heaters, swung open the doors, got a glass of cold water, and flipped my pillow over to the cool side.

Had I not still been half asleep I probably would've realized this was an overreaction because three hours later I awoke in an icebox. Like I think I could see my breath. Like the thermostat said it was 52 degrees.

In one daring move I jumped out of bed, pulled the leggings back on, shut the doors, turned the space heaters to the "tropical heat wave" setting, and dove back under the down comforter. Then, of course, I was cozy and warm and in no hurry to leave my bed and get ready for work.

So, in summation, our heater is still broken. Here's hoping tonight goes better.

1 comment:

Kali said...

This cracks me up! Thanks for sharing another delightful story - it was welcomed on a day like today!