Sunday, May 08, 2011

37 Weeks

Today was Mother's Day. I'm so thankful for my mom and Ben's mom too, and really for all the mothers in our lives who shaped us and our family. I hope I was paying attention all these past years, because I'm close to needing all their wisdom to put into practice myself!

Yep, this weekend I made it to 37 weeks! General consensus says this is full-term, although 38 weeks is the mark according to some sources. Either way, our baby boy is green-lit to safely arrive any time, from tomorrow (I'm not quite ready for that) until I get close to 42 weeks (I'll be way more than ready by then). Of course I'm under strict non-medical orders from my sister to keep a lock-down on Sweet Baby James until after her masters-program graduation in two weeks. I've assured her I'll do the best I can!

For my almost-a-mother's day gift, Ben took me to the mall to complete our family set of grey Chucks. I had posted previously about how we received tiny baby shoes to match Ben's favorite pair, and I am so excited to have my very own now! Here's me on the left (or I guess on the top):

Yesterday I had a little shower with some ladies from church. It was such a sweet afternoon and everyone was so generous. After that, Ben and I got a few remaining needed items at Target and on their website. I'm getting close to having the nursery ready and will take some pics and post them soon. I did remember to ask Ben to take my picture before I left for the shower. This belly is serious business! Or as we like to joke around the house, does this dress make me look pregnant?

The other news from this past week was that, after all the drama of Tuesday and the hospital, I had a follow-up ultrasound on Thursday afternoon and the results were GREAT! He aced his BPP, 8 out of 8 points, and the amniotic fluid levels were at almost 12. So far I've been at 6, 6, 5, and 7, so 12 was such an exciting improvement! I drank over a gallon of water on Wednesday, which I'm convinced must have helped. So if anyone else has low amniotic fluid, and they tell you to drink a lot of water, they mean a LOT of water! This week I will just have a regular check-up and no other tests. Praising God for this development!

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