Saturday, April 02, 2011

A Daddy Rite of Passage

The crib for baby's room arrived and I went to pick it up yesterday. The Wal-Mart employees were unusually helpful and competent, and it was a quick and painless process. The guy who loaded it in my car looked a little concerned when I pulled up in the Fit, as the box containing the disassembled crib was really, really big. I think he was impressed when he was able to make it work!

Ben has been working such long hours, all day every day, but even though he came home last night about 1am, he still pulled the box out of the car so we could open it this morning. Then, as an unexpected but blessed surprise, he didn't have to go in to work today until this afternoon! So he went ahead and carried all the pieces upstairs and assembled the crib.

It came together really easily. Okay, so I didn't do any of the work per se, but I did go and get us lunch and by the time I came back he was all but done. I love it so, so much! Even more than I thought I would!

The mattress should come in next week and then I still have to sew all the bedding. You know... once I learn to sew...

I'll wait for the laughter to die down.

When he's little bitty he'll be sleeping with us in our room anyway, so I have some additional time should learning to sew be harder than it looks.

I can still hear you laughing. It seemed like a good idea five months ago, okay?!

Anyway, the crib is done, I love it, and I'm so proud of Ben for completing this important fatherly rite of passage. I took a bunch more pictures but they are stuck on the camera until I find the cable to get them off. So more soon, maybe!

For anyone who is interested, this is the Baby Mod Olivia crib, available to order online only from Wal-Mart. I wrote more about it in this previous blog. A big thank you to the collective grandparents, from whom the crib was a generous gift.


Anonymous said...

Since you love movies so much, may I suggest that you name the baby after Melissa Leo? The boy will be names "Leo." A future daughter will be named "Melissa."
Melissa Leo has signed up to play in so many movies already, that your children will be able to grow up while following the career of their "namesake."

Stacey said...

Hey Amy!! I just read your blog for the first are such a great writer! It's fun to hear how things are going with your pregnancy since I'm not too far behind you. Just added you to my blog "faves"....
Stacey Chambers

Heather said...

Best. Comment. Ever.