Tuesday, March 06, 2012

9 Months

Well I started this blog post when Hudson turned 9 months old but it's been about 2.5 weeks since then. Oops! Better hurry or it'll be time for a 10 month post. Time is flying!

First, the stats. At his 9 month check-up, he weighed 18 pounds, 13 ounces and was 28 inches long. That's around the 35-40th percentile for both weight and height. He is healthy and as happy as can be!

Hudson is on the move constantly. He loves to crawl and climb all over everything. He is really good at cruising along furniture and has even taken a few steps, though they seem to be unintentional. His favorite things to do are to pull all his books off the shelf and all his stuffed animals out of the bin. Really, pulling stuff out of any kind of box or bag is fun for him! The other day I was folding clothes and putting them in the bottom drawer of his dresser. He crawled over and pulled up, then proceeded to take each article of clothing out of the drawer, shake it with glee, and throw it over his shoulder. It was so cute I let him empty the hole drawer, even though I had to refold about thirty onesies.

He makes lots of different sounds, and they are more responsive, which is fun. I swear he is trying to mimic me when I say "Oh-oh!" No "mama" or "dada" yet, though! He also knows how to wave "bye-bye" which is ADORABLE. Of course, he will never do it on command. Same thing with giving kisses. When we are out and about he always makes friends with everybody, and doesn't seem to show any real stranger or separation anxiety, even though he prefers me when he needs to be comforted or is sleepy.

Hudson LOVES food and puts it away like you wouldn't believe. He still has no teeth, so he prefers stuff that is still pureed or well-mushed. But he does love to eat with his hands, especially bananas, puffs, and pieces of bread.

And, saving the best for last, Hudson has finally FINALLY slept through the night! Cue the angel chorus! He was still waking up to nurse twice a night, and then one night he just... didn't. And the next night he did it again! And again! He does still wake up between 5-6, but then I nurse him and bring him into our bed and he will usually sleep a little longer. On top of that, he is taking two good 1.5-2 hour naps every day. Wow! I actually called the pediatrician because I was worried he was sleeping too much! She reassured me that this was normal and I just wasn't used to it. He is just doing so much growing and learning that he needs a lot of time to rest and recharge. I'll take it, gladly!

Here are a few pics of adventures in months 6-9.

Skyping with Daddy is our favorite way to stay in touch when he is out on the road.

First real big snow (in St. Louis). Not a fan!

First tortilla chip! He doesn't get these any more because he choked on one.

First cornbread.

First pancake.

Hanging with Daddy.

He learned to climb the stairs! He can go all the way up!

First trip to the Nashville Zoo.

Loves being outside and riding in his stroller.

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