Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Who the heck is Lindsay Wagner?

So this summer, in the absence of our favorite tv series LOST, The Office, and others, Ben and I are enjoying delightful reruns. For me, X-Files. For him, Wonder Years. Our TiVo records both of these shows in the wee hours of the weekday mornings, and if you have ever watched something that is on at 2 am, you are familiar with the commericals for the Sleep Number Bed. And the spokesperson for this delightful product? It's "Actress Lindsay Wagner." And if you have seen this commercial, you probably asked yourself the same question we did, after the 15th time around... "Who the heck is Lindsay Wagner?"

Ben was content just to stop fast-forwarding through the commericals long enough to hear his favorite part, when Lindsay tells him how he can get "a more recooperative sleep." I finally broke down and came upstairs to my computer, where I looked up Lindsay in the Wikipedia of the entertainment world, good ole'

I was pleased to find that not only was she a real actress, but an Emmy-winning one at that. She was famous in the 70s/80s for being on The Six Million Dollar Man, and then starring in her own spinoff, The Bionic Woman. Since then it has been pretty much downhill, but it seems like this Sleep Number thing is a sweet deal. I mean, sometimes it is the only commercial I see during an entire hour of X-Files. A little Mulder, a little Lindsay Wagner. A little Scully, a little more Lindsay. A little truth-chasing, a little chat with Linz. It's kind of comforting, in a way.

PS - In case you were wondering, her sleep number is 36. Like I said, I have seen this commercial a LOT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lindsay Wagner is one of my all-time favorite has-beens. What's interesting to me about the sleep number commercial is that her image is very (intentionally) blurred... It is also a very aging commercial. Several things point to this, most notably: there is no reference to a website during the commercial or in the fine print either. Also, I have a buddy who archives older video footage (mainly commercials). Some of this archived footage get used in homemade music video productions. The interesting thing is that we found this commercial in a archive from 1992....meaning this commercial was filmed prior to 1992. This commercial was archived because it contains wonderful footage of "mattress testing machines" in action. When I did a Goog search on lindsay wagner sleep number, I could not find a definitive production date for this ad. I think this is a very interesting commercial.
