Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Okay, I don't know why I do this stuff. I am a bit of a technology-skeptic, but I still find myself doing things like trying to maintain three separate blogs, Facebook, and now... a Twitter!

If you aren't familiar, Twitter is a strangely fascinating little internet gizmo that consists of leaving 140-word (or less) updates about what you're doing. That's it. The whole point. It's kind of like Facebook status, but more constant.

The interesting thing is that it stays succinct. Just one or two sentences about what different people all over the world are up to. We humans are a curious (nosy?) bunch so Twitter makes the most of that. The other cool part is that many celebrities and organizations also Twitter, so you can get all these tiny updates in one place. For example, on my Twitter feed now, I can learn that right now:

  • Charlie from Jars of Clay is listening to the new U2 album
  • My friend Rachel is eating at Pei Wei
  • Jimmy Fallon felt like his second show went better than his first and is soliciting questions to ask Cameron Diaz
  • Needtobreathe is in the studio working on a new album
  • There's a new Lost theory I need to check out
  • Amazon's mp3 Deal of the Day is Joshua Radin

Isn't that kind of cool? I think I might like this. Bonus: Twitter has one of the internet's most simple and adorably designed interfaces. Cool color combinations, rounded corners, lots of white space... I mean, this is the graphic you get when the site is bogged down and taking a lot of time:

How cute is that? Plus who couldn't like something that involves the words "twitter" and "tweet"?!

If you want to come follow me on Twitter, you can find me at I'm going to try and figure out how to add my Twitter feed to this blog's sidebar, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey found your blog through Twitter -

glad I'm not the only one who is in love with twitter's adorableness. People like us are easy to please ;)