Friday, March 13, 2009

Empire Records: Liveblogging the Best Lines

Empire Records... where do I begin? It certainly gets my vote for most super-awesome 90s movie. A bevy of quirky teenaged characters (including a young Liv Tyler and Renee Zelweger), a killer soundtrack, silly plotline with random tangential scenes. Rex Manning Day? Warren the shoplifter? Oh, and as if that weren't enough, an adorable Ethan Embry plays the metal-loving goofball with a hankering for pot brownies. And, like all 90s movies of any importance, it ends with the cast dancing together on the roof. Roll credits.

I decided as we watched the movie for the umpteenth time tonight that I would live-blog all my favorite lines.

Talk back in the comments... your favorite part of the movie I missed or your own best 90s movie memories.

I wonder if I'll be held responsible for this? -Lucas after losing $9K of the store's money

So today, I will offer myself to Rex Manning. - Cory

Mark, listening to this crap is guaranteed to make you sterile. - AJ
Maybe I wanna be sterile. - Mark

You know, someday I'm going to show you little people. - Mark
Yeah, well on that day I'm going to jump out of my wheelchair and do a dance. - Joe

What's the money doing in Atlantic City? - Joe
Recirculating. It could be in other cities by now.- Lucas

Joe, I can categorically say you are not a bigger banana-head. - Lucas

What's with you today? - AJ
What's with today today? - Lucas

Well Sinead O-rebellion! Shock me shock me shock me with your deviant behavorior! - Gina

This song goes out to our employee of the week, Lucas. (Plays "The Best Things In Life Are Free") - Gina

How old are you? - Joe to shoplifter
Old enough to kick your butt and splatter your brains against the wall. - Warren the shoplifter
Yeah, he's a juvenile. - Joe to cops

Warren, look what you stole. Rap, metal, rap, metal, Whitney Houston. - Lucas

The long arm of the law has embraced our dear friend Warren. - Lucas, as the cops come to arrest Warren

Take your purse and get the hell outta my store. - Joe to Rex Manning

Stop calling me Warren! My name isn't f*&$@& Warren! - Warren

Damn the man! Save the Empire! - Mark

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