Tuesday, December 04, 2012

18 Months!

A year and a half with our little man! I feel like I say this every time, but I can hardly believe he has grown up so quickly! He is definitely changing from baby to boy.

He was healthy as a horse at his 18-month check-up. He weighs a little over 24 pounds and is about 32 inches tall. He has three teeth now - his top two molars and one bottom middle tooth - and I think a couple more are getting close. I can already see a difference in how it has helped him to bite and chew his food. He loves to point to his tooth if you ask him!

His little vocabulary grows daily, and teaching him new words is a lot of fun, as is deciphering the ones he is already saying. Recent words he uses are: hat, star, oh no, no-no, nana (banana), Daddy (instead of Dada), and Mommy (instead of Mama). He also knows his best friend Jack, and says "Jack Jack" when he sees him (although it sounds a lot like Da da, we know what he means). It is SO cute! 

He really knows his animal sounds and says them when he sees the correct animal. We went to a friend's house who had a cat, and he was so excited, just saying "meow meow meow" over and over. He also says "Rawr" when he sees a picture of a lion or tiger, which is funny to me because I don't remember teaching him that one! 

Any and everything that is round is "A BA!" Which is Hudson for "a ball!" He loves balls, and has a killer arm! Future Cardinal, obviously. Of course not everything round is a ball, so you have to be on your toes. Case in point, when we were at Target yesterday and he picked up a Christmas ornament and chucked it down the aisle. Oops. Thankfully it was one of those non-shatter ones, so no harm done!

We enjoyed a WONDERFUL trip home to St. Louis for Thanksgiving. Below are some pics of our time there, as well as a few more from the past month. 

Since most of our favorite fruits are out of season, we are enjoying pre-packaged peaches and pears!

I found an amazing deal on this wagon, and it was supposed to be Hudson's big Christmas present but we were having too much fun with it to wait!

Found a leaf on our walk!

Chocolate chip muffin face.

My little picky eater loves lasagna. Love this pic of him and Daddy chowing down.

Ben goes and gets Hudson every morning and brings him to our bed for cuddles. And then Daddy promptly falls back asleep. :)

Helping me do laundry.

Home for Thanksgiving... Mom had this little vacuum waiting and it was a big hit!

Our nephew Logan has three little brothers of his own so he is so sweet and patient with Hudson! They really enjoyed playing together so much.

Our friends Rob and Laura have an adorable little boy named Dylan. Can't believe Hudson was only this big at this time last year!

Playing at the St. Louis Science Center

Logan showing Hudson the best places.

He loved this Lego wall!

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