Friday, October 07, 2011

Holding Huddy

If you haven't picked up on it from my previous posts, Hudson is high-maintenance. He has like zero self-soothing skills, and so going to sleep is difficult for him. He has to be tightly swaddled and then he usually has to be held until he falls asleep before we put him down. Sometimes you have to sway or rock him and pat his little bottom. And of course, he needs his white noise.

Sometimes this is annoying. I find myself clock-watching, wondering how many minutes more I'll have to hold him before he'll be sound enough asleep to move to his swing. I think about how much easier it would be if I could just pop him in his crib when he started getting sleepy and then go about my business while he drifted off to sleep on his own. My arm gets sweaty from his hot little head and my back gets sore from leaning over him.

But then I am looking down at his sweet little face, and feeling how much he needs me, how he calms and rests in my arms, and how is it possible it is that he's already so long that his feet are falling off my lap?

Soon he won't need me to rock him to sleep. And I'm going to blink and it will be his first day of kindergarten. And then I'll blink again and he'll be graduating high school. Blink. His wedding day. Blink. I'm a grandmother. Blink. I'm an old lady at the end of my life, and I'm willing to bet I won't be thinking, "I wish I'd held my baby less."

We do want Hudson to have good sleeping habits. And in the next few months we'll be working on helping him learn those things, gently and lovingly.

But for now, I just want to cherish holding Huddy.

1 comment:

Sidra said...

Hi Amy,
Not sure if you remember me or not, but I'm Blair Halver's wife, Sidra. We stayed with you about 2 or so years ago while house hunting. I was I have a 2 year old boy, Hamilton. Anyway, I stumbled on your blog and had to comment...Hudson sounds EXACTLY like Ham. I thought I would never have more children because he was soooo difficult. I felt he was never happy, I felt I would never have a life because he required so much of me. Like Hudson, Ham had reflux (that i didn't get meds for until he was 2 months old), he never seemed content, he nursed constantly, and getting him to sleep was always a 20-40 min affair. I was close to PPD, we lived with parents at the time, and I felt I could never let him cry - blocking every cry was quite a challenge! My family couldn't believe how much he cried and how unhappy he was. Does any of this sound familiar? I'm here to tell you it gets better. Much better.....our little intense baby has turned into a smart, intense (but in a good way), content little man. He didn't start playing on his own until about 17-18 mos. but he can entertain himself wonderfully now. I just read your posts and felt I needed to offer my support, and to let you know good (easier) times are ahead. Sure toddlerhood has its challenges, but I finally see how the baby stuff doesn't last forever....they do get better. I just had baby no. 2, Greer (our little girl) in August, and while she has reflux as well and her own fussy times, I am so much more relaxed about it all....Ham taught me to chill out, it'll be over before I know it! Anyway, I'm rambling, but I just wanted you to know, you're not alone. I'm here if you ever want to vent, ask questions or whatever. I wish I had had someone who understood what it was like while I was going through it. Email me or just know I'm praying for you.