Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two Months Old!

Sweet Huddy Bean,

Two months! Woah! Time flies when you're having fun. And we have been having more fun this month, I think. Little by little we are starting to figure each other out. We still have rough days, and rough parts of each day, but the good times are becoming bigger and better. I'm not sure which of the assorted things we're trying is helping most - no dairy for me, reflux medicine for you - or if you are just getting bigger and I am just getting better at reading your needs. Whatever it is, I feel more confident every day that we can make it and that you will keep growing happier.

The most wonderful thing that has developed in your second month? The thing that makes me just more crazy madly in love with you every time it happens? This:

Those smiles, which are slowly developing into giggles, are THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. (You'll allow me a little motherly hyperbole, won't you dear one?) God certainly knew that new mommas would need this sweet affirmation, and I'm so grateful!

Other news about you:

You are so strong! You love to stand and hold up your own head. We occasionally do "tummy time" and you are quite good at it, although you don't particularly enjoy it. When you are laying on your back, you've started pulling your legs up in the air. That plus your exploring hands, and I have a feeling it won't be long until you discover your feet!

You love water! This makes me so happy because I was a water baby too. You like bath time and you really like to be in the shower with me or Daddy. You do NOT like the part where you have to get out and dry off. I don't like that part either - who wouldn't want to stay in the warm water? We also took you swimming at your friend Matilda's birthday party and you liked it a lot. I dunked you under the water twice. You weren't too sure about that, but you were back to happy pretty quickly. I held you out in front of me with your tummy down in the water and you kicked your little legs... perhaps we have a swimmer on our hands?

Sometimes you really fight going to sleep. You like to be held and bounced on the exercise ball. Rocking or walking does not cut it - you MUST be bounced! You also like to sleep in the car seat still, which is great for when I need a little time out of the house. At night you sleep pretty good. You still wake up a few times to eat, but I'm okay with that. Nighttime feedings are when you are most snuggly, so I take advantage of that when I can! We usually put you to bed in your swing, but inevitably move you to sleep in the bed with us. I never thought I would do that, but it is easier for nursing and I just love having you curled up in my arms with your fuzzy little head in perfect kissing distance. Although I will say, after a few hours in one position, my arm is usually completely dead and whatever hip I'm laying on is burning. Still, worth it in the end!

You like:
-staring at Daddy
-being carried up at my shoulder so you can look out at the world
-when I make a "thbppptttt" sound and poke you in the nose (you smile like this is so funny!)
-having your diaper changed
-sitting in your buzzy seat
-taking your medicine
-your pacifier
-lights and ceiling fans
-when I sing to you and dance silly

You don't like:
-being cradled like a baby
-when we take too long to do what you want
-having gas
-eating for longer than 5-10 minutes at a time
-having your boogers suctioned out
-being hot
-sitting still for a story

Your stats:
-Weight: 11 pounds, 11 ounces (50th percentile)
-Height: 23 inches (50th percentile)
-Hair: Still dark blond-ish
-Eyes: Still blue

I am so thankful for you, my sweet boy. I can't believe God saw me fit to be your momma, but I am going to do the best I can by His grace!



Jackie said...

Sweet, sweet boy! I'm so happy you guys are "getting" each other more & more! I'm sure that's one of the fun (and triumphant!) parts of motherhood.

And for you, my friend - since I personally know how much it sucks to not enjoy delicious dairy...might I suggest:

-goat cheeses (the enzymes in goat milk are 100% different than cow's milk [and actually more similar in structure to human breast milk] and don't cause any of the problems cow's milk does; fancy grocery stores usually have a decent selection that extends beyond just the tangy/soft goat cheese we all know

-SoDelicious "ice cream" & "ice cream" bars - they're made with soy milk and are delish!

-any of the alternative milk products - I like them all (soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk) - but if you want something unsweetened, Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Breeze is great; and if you want something sweet, Vanilla Sugar Free Coconut Milk is yummy & it's sweetened with Stevia so it's not high in calories (as are the sweetened versions of all the other ones)

You've maybe discovered all this already...but I saw you calling out to your old friend Cheese on facebook the other day, so I thought I'd pass this along, just in case. :)

AmyBethJames said...

Thank you for all these tips! The weird thing is that something like 60-75% of babies that are affected by milk protein are also affected by soy. But I def. need to get some goat cheese, at least to sprinkle on salad! And I am missing my morning bowl of cereal something fierce so I will have to try the almond milk you recommended!

In another week or so I will be trying to reintroduce dairy into my diet to see if it has any adverse effect. Since we started eliminating that at the same time as his reflux meds I am not sure which thing is helping. Hopefully my friend dairy can make at least a partial return to my world. :)

Heather said...

If you want to avoid soy and nut-based milk substitutes because of allergies/sensitivities, I second the rice milk suggestion. I've had Rice Dream before and it's fine on cereal.