Thursday, August 09, 2007

That's Hot

Okay, there is hot, and there is HOT. Today, my friends, was the latter. We are talking 103 degrees. Today was the kind of hot where even inside where your AC is blasting you can't get comfortable. Pretty much the only acceptable activity is laying on your floor watching TV in just a t-shirt and your underwear with nothing else touching you. Trust me, the floor is best. It is maybe 1 degree cooler down there than on the couch. Don't even think about going upstairs.

Other thing to do on such a hot day:
1. Nothing
2. Sip an ice cold drink
3. Eat a popsicle
4. Lay with a fan blowing directly in your face
5. Watch movies where it is snowing

Other things NOT to do on such a hot day:
1. Move
2. Wear more than two articles of clothing. You can pick which two are appropriate for wherever you are.
3. Go outside
4. Clean or any other indoor activity that would cause you to sweat, ie walking from room to room
5. Blow dry your hair

Wherever you are, I hope you are staying cool. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to move away from this computer which is emitting unnecessary heat in my general direction. Back to the floor!

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